Foot IK
Add foot controllers
Set the connection between the controller and the bone
Connect the controller to the Full Body IK node
Root : Pelvis
Effectors: foot_I, foot_r, spine_04
Bone Settings
calf_I, calf_r, pelvis
calf_I, calf_r:
Use Preferred angles: turn on
Preferred Angles: Z:45
Rotation Stiffness: 0.95
Position Stiffness: 0.95
Foot Trace
It will be reused function, so wrap the nodes together.
Create a Function: Foot Trace
Foot Trace
Input add: Bone (Rig Element Key)
Output add: Trace Hit (Boolean), Trace Offset Z (Float)
Match the direction and position of the bone with Sphere Trace to determine the collision situation. Currently, the Z axis is set to 100. In order to facilitate adjustment, it promotes a parameter variable to adjust. The name is FlootHitDistance, which can be adjusted according to the character.
In order to make it easier to debug, use draw line and transform here to make line and axis phase judgments.
In order to prevent the feet from sticking to the ground, add 1 to Hit Location Z. To facilitate adjustment, it is also promotes as a parameter variable, and the name is AdditionHitOffset.
Final Foot Trace Function
Use the Foot Trace Function to set the left and right feet.
Add variables
Connect the function node
In the game, if you want to see the Control Rig Debug line, press ~ on the keyboard, and the > input area will appear.
Type : “ a.AnimNode.ControlRig.Debug 1 “
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