Hand Ik

Add Hand Controllers

Set the connection between the controller and the bone

Arm Trace + HandRoot offset
The principles of hands and feet are very similar, so it do directly first.
Create a Function: Hand Trace
Hand Trace
Input add:Bone (Rig Element Key)
Output add: HandTrace Hit (Boolean), HandTraceLocation(Vector),HandTraceNormal(Vector)

Match the direction and position of the bone with Sphere Trace to determine the collision situation. Currently, the Y axis is set to 60, which can be adjusted. In order to make it easier to debug, use draw line and transform to make line and axis phase judgments. Avoiding the hand being worn when it touches the wall, the Y axis of the hand is subtracted by 7. In order to facilitate future adjustments, it promotes a parameter variable, the name is Hand_AdditionHitOffset.

Final Hand Trace function

Add Variables

Connect function
Use UpperArm bones to do Hand Trace


Connect together

HandRoot offset
the same principle as Foot Root Ctrl.
Space: Local Space
Propagate to Children : turn on

Final Result

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