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Technical Artist
- Animation Retargeting
Common Attribute: Inverted Joints, IK/FK Blend
Plot Animation: Characterized, Character extension
Aline Bone: Compatible less bone to more, more to less
Delete History
Load/Save files
- Characterized
Bone Mapping (character extension): Horse, Dog
Load/ Save Bone Template
Common Attribute: Inverted Joints, IK/FK Blend
Control Rig
Load/Save files: objects with namespace
Animation Retargeting & Characterized for Quadruped
(MotionBuilder Python)
MotionBuilder 2018, PySide, JSON, XML
- Align Bone:
Compatible less bone to more, more to less
- Constraint:
Compatible less bone to more, more to less
- Plot Animation:
Select object with namespace
- Load file: import with namespace
- Save file
MotionBuilder 2018, PySide
AlignBone, Constraint, Plot Anm(MotionBuilder Python)
- Create Rig Asset
- Save Image
- Save JSON File/Load JSON File
- Capture Thumbnail in Maya
- List Files to Open/Reference File
- Select Asset and Show Information
Maya 2018+, PySide2, JSON
Rig Asset Viewer
Export Fbx to Engine
- Set Projet
- Open animation file with reference
- Named the animation
- Set Directory
- Bake Animation
- Export mesh and joints to FBX
Auto Rigging Tool Bipedal
- Create Skeleton
- Colored left, right, and center
- IK/FK Switch arm and leg
- Foot roll
- Finger controls
- Clear outliner
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