
在這邊使用 Driving Chaos Vehicle 專案來製作掛接拖車
匯入模型和貼圖: Crab the model and texture into Browser
FBX import Options:
Skeletal Mesh: turn on
Combine Meshes: If you have many separate mesh, you could turn on
Create BP:
Right click mouse > Blueprint Class
All Classes:
search: vehicle
Select “ WheeledVehiclePawn ”
Mesh > Skeletal Mesh Asset > trailer
Wheel Setup
選擇 Vehicle Movement Component
這個拖車有兩個輪子,所以按兩次+ 增加
Wheel Setup > Wheel Setups > +
選上骨頭 > 右鍵 > Copy selected Bone Names
Paste to Wheel setups index bone name
Turn on Simulate Physics
Trailer Physic 拖車物理
Open physics Asset
Select physic and delete
Select wheel bones > Primitive shape: Sphere >Add bodies
Select Root bone > Primitive shape: Single convex Hull >Add bodies
Input Action
Project settings
Go to Engine - Input
Action Mappings: Interact--> T
Obtain the behaviors we want for our vehicle.
Select trailer skeleton > right click mouse > Create > Anim Blueprint
Opne AnimBP > Class Settings > class options > Parent Class : Vehicle Animation Instance
Mesh Space Ref Pose: this is used to return the mesh space reference pose for our skeletal mesh in the Animation Blueprint
Wheel Controller : offloading a lot of the work in creating these types of animations, you can use the Wheel Controller Node to drive the animations.
GO to BP_trailer
Select Mesh > Animation > Anim Class : ABP_trailer
增加碰撞體 ,命名為 Docking.
Blueprint > Blueprint Interface
藍圖介面是一個或多個函數的集合 - 僅名稱,無實作 - 可以新增到其他藍圖。 這本質上就像一般程式設計中介面的概念,它允許多種不同類型的物件透過一個公共介面共享和存取。
Functions: Interact
Inputs: car (BP_Car, object reference)
Open BP_car
Use for loop to check does implement interface, if true, does interact
Opne BP_Trailer
Add Collision
Naming: Trigger_coli
Add PhysicsConstraint
物理約束是一個關節,可讓您將兩個 Actor 或組件連接在一起,並對它們施加限製或力。
Conponent name 1: Mesh
Conponent name 2: Trigger_coli
Control Physics constraint - Angular Limits
Swing 1 motion (Z) : Limited, swing 1 limted: 60
Swing 2 motion (x): Locked
Twist motion (y): Locked
Add Text Render
1. Text: type the information.
2.Turn off visibility
Add cube
In order to let trailer to stand on the ground, so add cube
Add Interface
Class Settings > Implemented Interfaces > select BI_Interact
Add variables:
1. CanHitch :Boolean
2. TryHitch : Boolean
Select trigger_collision box add begin overlap and end overlap
When End overlap, try Hitch: turn off, and text does not show
When begin overlap, try Hitch: turn on
Get car docking and trailer trigger_coli’s world location and do float to integrate value
Does car docking X subtract trailer trigger X to get the value. The value is less equal what we want the value. However, we might be get the negative value, so here I use ABS to get positive value.
Does car docking Y subtract trailer trigger Y to get the value. The value is less equal what we want the value.
X and Y value both are true and return true.
Set true/false to can Hitch
Set text visibility and delay the time.
After completed, try hitch again to condition, if true, cast to bp_Car
Interact Event
如果可以掛接,則汽車連接到拖車且移動並設置約束組件。 關閉嘗試掛鉤並設定文字可見性。
Creat function: RemoveStand
Add Variables: StandRemovedBool :bool
Open RemoveStand function:
Destory stand compoent, and set standRemovedBool: on, and call stand removed
Event Dispatchers: StandRemoved
Event graph
Using event tick to do event StandRemoved.
如果支架有效,請移除支架。 如果沒有,則執行一次列印字串
Event Interact:
Remove stand event and turn off standRemovedbool
Youtube Tutorial:
Plugins: ChaosVehiclesPlugin
Sketchfab - Car Scene:
Sketchfab - Generator Trailer:
Physics Constraint Component:
How to Set up Vehicles Unreal Engine 5.0
Ref: Unreal Engine Truck Tutorial: Trailer System
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#ChaosPhysics #car #UnrealEngine5 #教學 #虛幻引擎 #車子#Vehicle #Drive #PhysicsConstraint #可掛接拖車 #HitchableTrailer